Tomorrow's 1Q Plus Deadline Includes Mailing Signed Cover Sheets

It's Deadline Eve: Don't Forget this Important Step...

ElectaFile Short Summary: It’s Deadline Eve! Part of your 1Q Plus Reporting Process Includes Wet Ink Signed Cover Pages Being Sent In. Don’t forget to go see the Postman!

ElectaFile continually pushes itself to be the best electronic campaign finance filing software in the United States of America. We do that by taking our users feedback and spreading the good word that campaign reporting doesn’t have to be scary.

Nearly all of you have a 1Q Plus Report Due tomorrow. You know that so we won’t belabor it except to say if you’re close to being done with a report but lack some data—file it in good faith and amend later to supplement. Beating that deadline is the most important thing!

What About Signed Reports? Every report that is filed with the boards of elections must be signed using wet ink (except 48 Hour Reports). “Wet Ink” is a term in the law for actually putting pen to paper and signing documents sent to the board of elections.

Why Do We Still “Wet Ink” Sign? The State Board relies on “wet ink” signatures to ensure accountability on the part of treasurers for the accuracy of the information they file. It has to do with an interpretation of the law regarding attestations on factual representations. In layman’s terms, they need some proof that the treasurer agrees that the contents of the report are true.

Can I Send the “Wet Ink” Signature Later? Theoretically, you don’t need to send the wet ink signed cover sheet on the same day you e-file your report. But you must send the signed cover sheet on or before tomorrow’s deadline. Historically, this has meant some late night trips to the Fed Ex.

Post Office or Fed Ex or Carrier Pigeon? Pre-Covid the post office used old-fashioned post marks that would prove that you sent something by the deadline. Now, post marks are either not used or you have to specially request them. Other folks pay a premium to send via FedEx or other carrier to document timely sending. We recommend that. If your committee is cash strapped, you can ask for a post mark or even take a picture with your phone of the outgoing mailing. That is risky but it is better than nothing.

In summary, 2 things here on Deadline Eve:

  1. File the report. If you need to amend, do it. But file the report.

  2. Send in the signed cover sheet. Make a record of how and when you send it.

Go get’em!

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What is ElectaFile offers easy and affordable electronic "click to file" services with the NC State Board and County Boards. ElectaFile is web-based and accessible from Macs and PCs with an internet connection. You only pay a small fee if you file using ElectaFile. If you need a free consultation on your situation, please let us know. If ElectaFile can help, it will. We are not your treasurer or your lawyer. If you need a professional treasurer or an attorney, ElectaFile regularly refers folks to professionals on all sides of the aisle.


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